Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Public Opinion on Society, Politics, Governance & Sovereignty

March 12, 2013

This unprecedented research was conducted in Islamabad (Pakistan) by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) members and non-members using convenience sampling

Total 2,420 questionnaires were distributed among PTI members and non-members (the enumerators); collected 1,495 filled questionnaires and considered 897 questionnaires for analysis.

Citizens aged eighteen and above were interviewed; fieldwork was conducted from September to December 2011 and January to December 2012.


Figures are in percentages, rounded to the nearest whole number.

Three-in-ten (30%) consider our society selfish and the same number (30%) consider impatient / intolerant whereas only 5% consider generous. Majority thinks that people in our society, believe in money and designation more than in hard work and honesty.

About being socially relaxed and secure in coming year, only 7% are positive whereas one-in-ten (10%) sees oneself economically stable. Forty per cent think because of low income / poverty and 35% think because of unemployment, people are compelled to commit suicide.

Nine-in-ten (90%) oppose luxurious lifestyle of elected
representatives; ‘public servant’ is the view of head of Islamic welfare state of more than eight-in-ten (83%) whereas nearly nine-in-ten (92%) are positive about expenses of government to be reduced. 

About educating their child, majority (90%) (/ will) focus on moral and intellectual upbringing than traditional graduate studies; more than nine-in-ten (93%) support one-education system.

About six-in-ten (61%) record their protest when they see human rights being violated whereas ‘justice’ is the major concern of more than half (55%); nearly six-in-ten (57%) think ‘no rule of law’ is the main cause of corruption “in society”.

View of politics of nearly half (46%) is, art and science of government and more than six-in-ten (64%) don’t vote because of ‘dishonesty in politics’.

View of political parties of 32% is ‘puppet show’, of 27% is ‘institutions’ and of 25% is ‘one-man show’. About a quarter (26%) vote on basis of party’s ‘ideology’ and almost the same number (25%) vote on basis of party’s ‘social development programs’.

Six-in-ten (60%) vote because of their ‘own viewpoint’; eight-in-ten (80%) will vote in next election whereas nearly seven-in-ten (68%) said, if the party they support does not solve their problems - they will vote a different party.

Sixty per cent said they will visit the office, if a political party invites for discussion.
More than one-third (36%) see their country heading towards ‘segmentation’ and almost the same number (35%) towards ‘poverty’; majority ranked issue of ‘corruption’ at number one and 38% think ‘no accountability’ is main cause of corruption “in governance”.

Only 7% think government often performs well and nearly nine-in-ten (91%) think, government representatives don’t care what a common citizen thinks. View of politicians of about four-in-ten (41%) and three-in-ten (30%) is ‘opportunist’ and ‘puppets of West’ respectively.

When asked about sovereignty of this Islamic state, 93% think sovereignty is being damaged; 51% think because of both ‘political instability’ and ‘involvement of West in policy-making’ whereas 39% think only because of ‘involvement of West in policy-making’.

Those whose answer included involvement of West in policy-making were further asked about the issue – according to 54%, sovereignty is being damaged because of both ‘puppet government representatives’ and ‘drone attacks’; 39% think only because of ‘puppet government representatives’.

Pakistan has been fighting America’s war (against terrorism) according to more than half (55%) of the respondents; 42% think purpose of the war is to ‘destabilize Pakistan’ and 45% think, West’s interest in the region.

Almost all the citizens of federal capital (98%) are not in favor of foreign military bases and nearly the same number (97%) opposes presence of foreign military troops in Pakistan.

Only 7% favor cooperation in foreign military operations (like that of NATO) and same percentage favors supervision of Western institutions (like IMF) in budget making.

Regarding drone attacks in tribal areas, 54% has the opinion that both militants and civilians are killed whereas 43% think only civilians are killed; nearly all (97%) are against the attacks.

When asked about dialogue with militants (in tribal regions), about three-quarters (76%) favor dialogue and almost the same number (77%) opposes Pakistan military operation in the region.

Survey Report:

First political survey; documented public opinion from a political platform by utilizing human resource of the party on-ground and by engaging students in 'research in politics' for the first time in political history of Pakistan.